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发表时间:2013-12-18 阅读次数:

德国KSPG集团(http://www.kspg.com/)中国学生科技与实践活动现已全面启动,活动内容涉及3D打印、铸造、热处理、合金纯度检测、激光焊接、耐磨塑料以及发动机附件安装位置设计等诸多领域的课题。具体课题题目及要求如下表,请感兴趣的同学可以将自己的简历和感兴趣的题目发到如下邮箱: kspg_tongji@163.com。

Supervisor Expected start date Expected Duration Short Titel Short Explanation
Mao Jianwei February 2014 (after Chinese new year) 8 weeks application of jet cooling and vakuum technology in high pressure die casting possibilitities to learn about these methods in HPDC; applicable for new products and to improve quality
Mao Jianwei May-14 8 weeks application of 3D printing in automotive industry possibility for rapid prototyping for engine blocks and cylinder heads
Mao Jianwei
Christian Klimesch
Aug-14 8 weeks aluminium heat treatment technology in automotive industry have a deeper knowledge about the consequences of different heat treatments for our parts
Ingo Wanner February 2014 (after Chinese new year) 6 weeks Laser welding of stainless steel: definition of limit samples and process setting (DOE) To find out links between limit samples welded by laser weld (solid state) in process parameters (speed, power, focus vs. weld penetration ang tear off force)
Laurent Rainguenet February 2014 (after Chinese new year) 2~3 weeks CPK Analysis of Water Pump production  In the frame of the EW10 WP relocation from KPSNC to PHP, the student would assist Quality Engineers from KPSNC in order to perform necessary checkings before and after the assemble relocation, such as for example a CPK analysis and PPAP documentation
Laurent Rainguenet May-14 2~3 weeks CPK Analysis of Vaccum Production
In the frame of reception of new assembly line for Vacuum Pump prodcution, the student would assist Quality Engineers from PHP to perform necessary checkings of the newly installed assembly line, such as for example CPK analysis
Xia Xin May-14 9 weeks Develop a method to  fast check the alloy purity  Investigate and introduce state of the art for aluminum casting alloys
Xia Xin Aug-14 9 weeks Investigate the relationship between casting defects and mold temperature Analyse by casting simulation and verify by casting trials the relationship between casting process parameters and casting defects of aluminum piston
Sergio Cordero February 2014 (after Chinese new year) 9 weeks Quick change over tooling design for final inspection  Analyse the current tooling and propose design changes and implementation of new accessories that help to do the change over more efficient, precise and in less time.
Sergio Cordero May-14 9 weeks Material testing for high wear plastic Test different commercial plastic material for wear and machinability to find out the best option to include it in our daily tooling. The student must look out for the appropriate test and validate it.



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