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Wake Transition and drag reduction of the threedimensional bluff body under variable body attitudes
发表时间:2023-09-06 阅读次数:

报告题目:Wake Transition and drag reduction of the three

dimensional bluff body under variable body attitudes

报告人:范亚军 博士 利物浦大学工程学院航空航天系

The pioneering work from Prof. Olivier Cadot (Grandemange et al, J. Fluid Mech, 2013)  firstly observed the bistable wake behind a flat-backed three-dimensional bluff body, manifest as stochastic switching between two asymmetry wake state. Our works investigated the effect of the body attitude (defined by the ground clearance, pith and yaw) and the Reynolds number on the wake transition for an Ahmed body. The study of the base pressure gradient reveals non-trivial and sharp transitions identified as significant changes of near wake orientation with the variation of the body attitude. The switching rate decreases with the increase of the Reynolds number, which is related to the viscous layer thickness of the boundary layer thickness at the trailing edge. In addition, the current work preliminarily investigated the application of the morphing technique on the drag reduction for the bluff body under a variable flow condition. All these works have been published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physical Review E and Experiments in Fluids.


范亚军在2017年本科毕业于南京农业大学,主修交通与车辆工程专业,获工学学士学位;硕士就读于同济大学bat365官方网页版,在上海地面交通工具风洞中心开展了关于方背Ahmed模型双稳态尾迹的研究。于2020年毕业后申请国家公派留学赴英国利物浦大学工程学院攻读博士学位,师从Olivier Cadot教授。研究课题围绕方背类车体模型展开,包括模型姿态对其气动特性及非定常尾迹状态的影响,并将morphing引入方背类车体模型的流动控制,开发了可变形扰流板以实现不同模型姿态下的自适应减阻。欢迎广大教师和学生参加!



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