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发表时间:2014-12-12 阅读次数:



 Topic 1Requirements and Challenes of Silicon-based Li-ion Battery Baterials for Electric Vehicles Application

 Topic 2Thermal Management of On-board Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage Systems for Fuel Cell‍

报  告  人:Dr. Mei Cai ‍[General Motors, U.S.A (美国通用汽车公司)‍]

时        间:2014年12月16日14:30-16:30

地        点:新能源汽车工程中心319会议室

主  持  人:林  瑞



Dr. Mei Caiis a General Motors Technical Fellow and the Manager of Energy Storage Materials Group at General Motors Global Research and Development Center. She has the responsibility for technology innovations in the area of advanced energy storage materials development for vehicular application. She has extensive experience in many of the energy materials research area including solar cells, hydrogen production and storage, nature gas storage, fuel cells, batteries and capacitors. Dr. Cai received her M.S. and Ph.D. degree in 1993 and 1999 respectively, both in Chemical Engineering. She has extensive experience in novel material processing techniques for automotive applications. Her current research interests include synthesizing and processing of nanostructured materials, nanocomposites, and their applications in clean energy field. In particular, she has been working with carbon, graphite, graphene, metal oxides, and their nanocomposites with engineering designed and well controlled nanostructures as energy storage and electrochemical energy conversion materials. Dr. Cai joined the GM R&D staff in 1995. She is the author and co-author of over 100 issued/pending US patents and over 80 peer reviewed scientific publications.‍


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